First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) is among TOP 10 banks by individual accounts volume. Over the first half of 2013 the individual accounts with FUIB grew to over UAH 11.5 bn, having increased by USD 2.2 bn or 21.2% year-over-year, which is one of the best Bank’s performance results for the last few years.
“FUIB is the choice of customers who are interested in reliability and profitability of their savings. The Bank maintains this balance through middle of the road policy of raising deposits, stably high financial performance indicators and transparent relationship with customers,” marked Sergey Chernenko, Chairman of the Management Board of FUIB.
Credit Rating agency has repeatedly confirmed grade 5 (highest deposit strength) of the bank deposit rating of FUIB.
Moreover, for 14 years FUIB has been a member of the Individual Deposit Guarantee Fund which turned 15 in September 2013. FUIB would like to congratulate the Individual Deposit Guarantee Fund on its jubilee and offers to customers to watch the video, courtesy of the Fund, about its history and activities.
- ПУМБ запускає застосунок, який дає змогу приймати безконтактні оплати через смартфон
- МаніБокс від ПУМБ – сервіс для накопичень, який можна поповнювати навіть з кредитки та карток інших банків
- Зустрічайте жовтневі пропозиції по кешбеку!
- Щодо встановлення лімітів НБУ на перекази на картку
- ПУМБ провів освітній вебінар на тему торговельного фінансування у рамках партнерства із Ukrainian CFO Forum
- ПУМБ став партнером міжнародного інвестсаміту Defense Tech Valley організованого Brave1
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