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“Progressive” Deposit from FUIB

02 August 2013
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First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) announces the launch of its new deposit, “Progressive”, which will be of interest to the customers willing to increase their US dollar savings.

“Progressive” is a time deposit with the progressive rate of interest and wide choice of deposit periods: 6, 9, 12 and 18 months. The deposit rate is growing month-over-month up to 10% p.a. for a 12-month deposit and up to 11% p.a. for an 18-month deposit. The minimum deposit amount is USD 1000; the interest is paid at maturity.

FUIB is among TOP 10 banks leading byindividual customer accounts volume. Over the first half of 2013 the individual customer accounts with FUIB grew to over UAH 11.5 bn, or 21.2% up year-over-year.

FUIB has been a member of the Individual Deposit Guarantee Fund since 1999. “Credit Rating” agency has repeatedly confirmed grade 5 (highest deposit strength) of the bank deposit rating of First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB).

The “Progressive” Deposit can be arranged at any of 157 outlets of FUIB.


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