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FUIB reduces car loan rates

18 July 2013
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First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) offers renewed lending terms for car purchasers. Depending on the program car loan interest rate was reduced for 1-3.5% in local currency. The lowest initial payment is 9% and loan term may be up to 7 years.

“FUIB is one of the leaders of car loan market in Ukraine. During the first 6 months of 2013 FUIB issued car loans totalling over UAH 80 million. It should be mentioned that in 1H 2013 car loan market declined at 3.1% mainly due to the fees increase for the most popular foreign car segment. FUIB always tries to meet clients’ needs and therefore constantly improving credit programs. Recently the bank has lowered the cost of car loans, and will soon offer a number of attractive conditions and promotions on car loans, which will make car purchase more affordable,” marks Stephan Guglieri, Executive Director, FUIB.

FUIB offers several car loans. Comfort+ offers a lower interest rate and low tariffs for comprehensive and collision (CASKO) insurance. Simple+ allows getting a loan quickly at the rate of 0.01% providing minimal package of documents. Client has also opportunity to include credit issuance and insurance expenses into the loan. Simple+ is the most popular car loan this year, its share in the total portfolio of new car loans of FUIB is 36%.

Gaining popularity joint lending programs of FUIB and auto dealers: UkrAvto, AIS, Bogdan Auto, Autotrading. One-third (33%) of car loans were issued within partner programs.


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