Supervisory Board of FUIB Appoints Sergey Chernenko Chairman of the Management Board

The Supervisory Board of First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) has resolved to appoint Sergey Chernenko, previously the First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board and Chief Financial Officer, Chairman of the Management Board of FUIB. Until his appointment is approved by the National Bank of Ukraine, Mr Chernenko will be the acting Chairman of the Management Board.
Konstantin Vaysman, who has held the office of the Chairman of the Management Board of FUIB, leaves the Bank due to expiration of his contract by mutual agreement of the parties.
“We are grateful to Konstantin for his experience and commitment, which the Bank immensely benefited from. Under his supervision FUIB significantly strengthened its positions, secured its place among 10 largest banks of Ukraine and remains one of the most sustainable banks in the banking system,” says Ilya Arkhipov, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of FUIB, Director of Business Development of SCM. “FUIB remains a strategic asset of SCM Group, and we will actively pursue its further development. Despite some volatility on the international financial markets FUIB continues growing and ensures the security of banking transactions and deposits, and high service quality. We are glad the Bank will be led by Sergey Chernenko, who holds a significant banking experience and has been with FUIB since 1997. I am confident that under his supervision the Bank will cope with the tasks set by the shareholders in full.”
“I am grateful to SCM for intrusting me with this appointment and will do my best to ensure that the Bank continues implementing its development strategy and plans. FUIB has a very strong team experienced in rising to various challenges. As a long-standing member of this team I am certain of our future success. We will continue attracting new clients and making our staff, shareholders and all stakeholders proud of the Bank,” comments Sergey Chernenko, newly appointed Chairman of the Management Board of FUIB.
The shareholders of FUIB continue to support FUIB’s development strategy and are convinced of the continued successful implementation of its plans and projects. The shareholders are thankful to Konstantin Vaysman for his significant contribution to the performance and achievements of FUIB.
Short biography reference
Sergey Chernenko, the newly appointed Chairman of the FUIB Management Board
Mr Chernenko’s professional experience is connected with FUIB. Having joined the Bank in 1997 as the Specialist of the Central Risk Management Division, in 2005 he was appointed the Head of the Risk Management Division and a member of the Management Board. During the period of February 2006 – March 2008 Sergey Chernenko was a member of the Supervisory Board. Since September 2008 Mr Chernenko has held the position of Deputy Chairman of the Management Board. In April 2011 he was appointed First Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, and from February 2012 he also holds the position of FUIB Chief Financial Officer.
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