The Deposit Guarantee Fund began payments to depositors of JSC "COMINVESTBANK" from January 2, 2025
From January 2, 2025, the Fund begins paying funds to depositors of JSC "COMINVESTBANK":
- under bank deposit agreements, the validity period of which expired at the end of the day on December 5, 2024
- and under bank account agreements (current accounts).
Depositors will receive 100% of the deposit amount, including interest accrued at the end of the day on December 5, 2024.
FUIB is an agent bank of the Deposit Guarantee Fund and makes payments to customers of insolvent banks.
You can get a refund in one of the ways:
- submit an application in the PUMB Mobile application (section "Savings", button "Deposit Guarantee Fund"). Processing of applications can take from 1 to 3 days (this is affected by the day the application was submitted – a weekend/business day, working/non-working hours of the Bank); we usually process faster;
- to submit an application in the Дія app ("Services" section, "Return of deposits" button), you need to have a єПідтримка card from FUIB or open it. Processing of applications can take up to three working days;
- contact the nearest branch of FUIB (you need to have your original passport and TIN with you). Payouts can take up to 10-15 minutes.
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