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Ukraine’s First Banking Application for Windows Phone

07 September 2012
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First Ukrainian Internatioanal Bank (FUIB) has launched a mobile version of the PUMB Online Internet banking service for phones with Windows Phone mobile operating system. iPUMB for smartphones has the key functions of the full version of PUMB Online Internet banking service. iPUMB is available for download at Windows Phone Marketplace.

According to PUMB Online usage data for March 2012, 23% of users of PUMB Online use it through mobile communication devices, and on non-business days the number of such users grows to 40%.

“Internet banking service enhancement is a priority development area for FUIB,” said Konstantin Vaysman, Chairman of the FUIB’s Management Board. “We aim to be the bank of the future, Bank 2.0. This is why we consistently invest in development of online services to make their use through any device the most comfortable for our customers. Windows Phone is a promising mobile OS and we are confident that our customers will appreciate the convenience and functionality of banking with iPUMB.”

iPUMB mobile application for Windows Phone provides customers with the possibility to enjoy all the instruments of PUMB Online in three language versions: Ukrainian, Russian and English. With iPUMB one can make payments, transfer money between one’s own accounts, arrange time deposits, manage payment card transaction limits, repay loans, top up a mobile phone account, and make other transactions.

Usage of iPUMB is based on the underlying principles of PUMB Online: each active transaction by the user must be confirmed by a unique single-use password that is sent to the user’s phone. Mobile transactions in iPUMB and PUMB Online are of the highest security level ensured by cutting-edge technologies, inter alia, globally recognised SSL certificate from Thawte.

“The number of applications for Windows Phone is growing rapidly: every day about 300 new games and applications are added to Windows Phone Marketplace. The number of those developed in Ukraine also grows: so far, there are over 100 of them, and their number is increasing. In particular, now we see in Windows Phone Marketplace an application that is the only fully-functional Internet banking service for this mobile OS. We see a great potential in this market both for developers from Ukraine and companies initiating development of applications,” commented Dmitriy Shymkiv, General Director of Microsoft Ukraine.

iPUMB is Microsoft-certified and available at Windows Marketplace. All users of PUMB Online can get access to iPUMB. No other agreements are needed: one should just locate iPUMB at Windows Marketplace and download it to his/her smartphone. To log into the application one should enter his/her login and password for PUMB Online.


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