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Scheduled Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

09 June 2012
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Dear shareholders of PJSC “FUIB”

Please, be informed of the scheduled Annual General Meeting of PUBLIC JOINT STOCK COMPANY “FIRST UKRAINIAN INTERNATIONAL BANK” (“Bank”).

FUIB’s AGM will be held on 12 April 2012 at the Bank’s premises (Donetsk Head Office) at: Universytetska 2a, Donetsk, 83001 (3d floor, assembly hall, room No 328).

The AGM is to commence at 11:00. Registration of shareholders (their proxies) will be carried out on 12 April 2012 from 10:30 to 10:55 at the AGM venue.

The register of the shareholders entitled to participate in the AGM is to be compiled as of 24:00 on 6 April 2012.


  1. Appointment of the AGM’s Secretary and Vote Counting Commission.
  2. Approval of the Bank’s 2011 Annual Report.
  3. Approval of the independent auditor’s report on the Bank’s 2011 Annual Report.
  4. Approval of the report of the Audit Committee on the Bank’s 2011 Annual Report.
  5. Distribution of the Bank’s profit (or procedure for covering losses) for 2011.
  6. Resolutions on the findings of considering the reports of the Supervisory Board, Management Board, Audit Committee on the Bank’s performance over 2011.

To participate in the AGM the shareholder (its proxy) shall have:

  • shareholders – passport or other ID, documents confirming authority of the head of the Bank’s corporate shareholder.
  • proxies – passport or other ID, power of attorney for participation in and voting at the AGM authenticated within the law of Ukraine.

Materials on the issues of the agenda of the AGM are available at the Bank’s premises (Donetsk Head Office) at: Universytetska 2a, Donetsk, 83001 on business days from 9:00 to 18:00.

Contact person: Roman Kuzyuk, tel.: (044) 231 71 19.


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