Helpers of St. Nicholas: thanks to the "We are of one blood" project, Ukrainians donated 300,000 hryvnias in December to save the lives of their compatriots

The social project "We are of one blood" completed the year 2023 with consistently high indicators. This creative patriotic initiative of FUIB, Ukrainian manufacturers, designers, and illustrators not only lifts the spirit and renews the images of our compatriots, but gives everyone the opportunity to participate in saving thousands of lives. In the last month of the year, the project collected 300 thousand hryvnias, which were transferred to public organizations "Hospitaliers", "DonorUA" and "Blood Agents". The funds were directed to the purchase of means of tactical medicine for Ukrainian defenders and the delivery of blood components to hot spots.
Despite the extremely difficult end of the year, Ukrainians did not forget about the festive period, nice gifts for their relatives and generous donations for the needs of the military and medics on the front line. In general, thanks to our conscientious compatriots who supported the patriotic assortment of "We are of one blood", 6.3 million hryvnias were collected and transferred during the entire existence of the project.
300,000 hryvnias collected by the initiative in December have traditionally been handed over to three partner public organizations - "Hospitaliers", "DonorUA" and "Blood Agents". These funds were used for the purchase of certified means of tactical medicine, in particular:
- 170 abdominal bandages
- 90 CAT turnstiles
There were also 2 deliveries of blood components to hot spots (each such delivery saves more than 1,500 lives).
Spreading information about the importance of donation and involvement in voluntary donor assistance is no less significant goal of the "We are of one blood" project. Donation became extremely relevant during the war, so the initiative is proud that it managed to attract more than 2,000 donors, who gave more than 6,000 Ukrainians a chance to be saved.
So, if you have not yet become a donor or have not chosen something from a large assortment of merch that supports the spirit and will of Ukrainians and helps defenders, be sure to join.
The catalog of stylish charity clothing and accessories is available on the website
A pleasant addition – the logistics partner of the project, Nova Poshta, delivers the order at its own expense.
"We are of one blood" is the social initiative that saves the lives of our military and wounded civilians, supports domestic business, promotes patriotic art and promotes the culture of donation in Ukraine. The charity merch was created at the initiative of FUIB Bank in cooperation with public organizations, Ukrainian brands of clothing and accessories, as well as illustrators. FUIB transfers half of the cost of each order to the public organizations "Hospitaliers", "DonorUA" and "Blood Agents".
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