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Calm deposit with the possibility of early withdrawal without loss of interest

09 March 2023
Отримати на e-mail {metatitle} - банк ПУМБ

FUIB is confident in the victory of Ukraine and looks forward into the future. The bank has been providing financial support to Ukrainians for almost 32 years and has never delayed payments on deposits as well as other payments. 

FUIB continues to fulfill all its obligations.  Including as an agent bank of the Deposit Guarantee Fund. Thus, for 12 months of 2022, FUIB paid more than UAH 715 million to Ukrainian depositors of bankrupt banks. As a result, 83% of the bank's individual clients prolonged their deposits during the 12 months of 2022. The bank offers the new Calm deposit with the possibility of early withdrawal without loss of interest

Main characteristics of the Calm deposit:

  • Currency – UAH/ USD / EUR
  • Interest rate: 11% in UAH and 0.4% in USD and EUR
  • Deposit term: 1 month
  • Replenishment - without restrictions, during the entire term of the deposit
  • Minimum amount: 100 UAH / 10 USD / 10 EUR
  • Auto-prolongation - allowed
  • Early withdrawal is allowed with payment of all accrued interest*.
  • Partial withdrawal of funds - not provided
  • FUIB loyalty program - not applicable

In August 2022, the reliability of FUIB's bank deposits was once again confirmed by the Credit-Rating independent rating agency at the level of "5" (the highest reliability).

FUIB is included in the NBU's list of systemically important banks in the country and is a bank authorized to store cash reserves of the National Bank. A systemically important bank is a bank whose activities affect the stability of the entire banking system. For the bank's clients, this means enhanced supervision by the NBU, which means stability of operations no matter what. Keep calm and let's keep the financial front together!

* Early deposit withdrawal is possible by terminating the agreement in full. Early repayment of deposits to persons related to the bank is prohibited in accordance with the NBU Resolution No. 23 dated 25.02.2022 (clause 4).


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