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FUIB is in the 2021 Sustainable Development Rating

04 June 2021
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FUIB is among the top three financial institutions in the Ukrainian companies' sustainable development rating, conducted by the teams of The Money and The Korrespondent magazines in partnership with the UN Global Compact Network in Ukraine.

In total, FUIB ranked 21st among 39 companies that provided the required information. The rating team contacted a very wide range of Ukrainian businesses that are leaders in their sectors of the economy, but not all were able to provide a complete package of data. The following criteria were taken into account when compiling the rating: anti-corruption policies and practices of companies, the system of training in anti-corruption procedures and practices, the situation with the gender balance in higher authorities, the average level of salaries without taking into account the top staff, a set of key social programs and funding, etc.

FUIB's Chairman Serhiy Chernenko about the UN Global Compact, Sustainable Development and what the Bank has found in the principles of sustainable development:
"In the last few years, it has become fashionable to talk about sustainable development, but for us it is not a question of popularity - we joined the UN Global Compact eight years ago, in April 2013. By our joining, we have declared our commitment to the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labor relations, environmental protection and the fight against corruption. Thus we immediately began to implement the principles of sustainable development in our daily activities. Why the bank needs all this? We strive to become more than a financial partner, to promote positive change and development of society. We consider social responsibility and management to be the key areas for ourselves – this corresponds to the peculiarities of a financial institution as a business.
I will especially remind you about transparency as an essential component of the bank's policy. We communicate openly with all of our stakeholders. The Bank provides clients and the society with truthful and accurate information about its processes, products and services. FUIB is constantly increasing the transparency of doing business, provides timely disclosure of complete and reliable information, including financial position and economic performance. This allows clients to have complete information about their financial partner and to make informed decisions


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