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Information on the work of the Bank's branches during the quarantine perio

07 April 2021
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Dear Clients,

we would like to inform you that today all FUIB branches are working in the regular mode. We closely monitor developments in the COVID-19 situation and take the necessary steps to protect the safety of Bank's clients and employees. We daily disinfect all the premises and branches of the bank, as well as monitor the health of the Bank's employees.

Herewith, we urge you to take good care of your health and to stay away from visiting crowded places, including bank branches, and minimize contact with cash. As the matter of fact, cash that passes through hundreds of hands can be infection carrier.

We would like to remind you that most banking operations can be done through remote service channels - PUMB Online Internet banking, ATMs, self-service terminals, contact center. If you are still not an active user of digital channels, our branch and contact center managers are always ready to provide you with the help and advice you need to work using remote channels.

We will promptly inform you of any changes in the work of FUIB branches, as well as about the decisions of the National Bank on the Bank's website in the "News" section, as well as on the Bank's official Facebook page. Take care of yourself.

Phone numbers of the call-center:

+38 044 290 7 290
+38 096 290 7 290
+38 050 290 7 290
+38 093 290 7 290

You can also make a call from the bank's website.



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