Over 10,000 customers have connected to GSC Naftogaz Ukrainy at FUIB's branches

Since October last year, FUIB employees have processed more than 12,000 customer requests to change the gas supplier and helped more than 10,000 customers enter into gas supply agreement with Naftogaz Ukrainy for. Kherson, Lviv and Odesa regions have been among the most active regions in applying to connect to the Gas Supply Company at FUIB. GSC Naftogaz Ukrainy started cooperating with FUIB in October last year to provide household consumers with the opportunity to change their gas supplier offline at the bank's branches. Within a few months, the service of connection to GSC Naftogaz Ukrainy was scaled to 145 branches of FUIB in 19 regions of Ukraine.
"As of today, FUIB has a record of more than 400 processed applications per day. And this is just the beginning; the bank's resource allows processing many more applications. Thus, during a month only in Kherson where gas supply is carried out by the "last hope" supplier, managers of FUIB helped clients to issue about 4,000 applications for connection to GSC Naftogaz Ukrainy. By concluding an agreement with GSC Naftogaz Ukrainy, customers not only choose one of the best prices per cubic meter of gas, but also receive additional "compensation" from FUIB in the form of cash back in the amount of 10% when paying utility bills by credit card." – commented Oleksandr Shcherbakha, Director of FUIB's department of sales and retail business development.
We would like to remind that to submit the application, the client needs to visit one of FUIB's branches with a necessary package of documents: passport, TIN, document on ownership of housing and consent of the co-owner, if the ownership is issued to several co-owners (application template can be found on the gas.ua website in the section "Become our client"), as well as EIC-code (16-digit personal gas number of the object). FUIB employees in the branch will help to apply for connection with the Gas Supply Company. The application service in the bank's branches is free of charge.
After processing the application, the client will receive information from GSC Naftogaz Ukrainy on the successful transition as well as further instructions within 5-7 working days. You can check the application for connection processing status on the gas.ua website. To do this, select the section "Check the status of the application" and enter your EIC-code in the appropriate field. Any consumer can apply and not only FUIB's clients.
Switching to a new provider is automatic. You do not need to notify the previous gas company about the connection to the new supplier. Once the transition is completed, the customer will receive payments for the consumed gas from the new supplier. It is not necessary to replace pipes in case of change of the supplier: the gas will be delivered by the same pipe and using the same equipment. Gas supply to the client during or after the change of company will remain uninterrupted.
We would like to remind that the maximum gas price from February 1, 2021 for the quarantine period, but not longer than till March 31, 2021 is regulated by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 25 of January 18, 2021 and may not exceed UAH 6.99/cubic meter. GSC Naftogaz Ukrainy, as the price leader, set a lower price for consumers than the one set by the government at the expense of the minimum own markup. The price for natural gas in February and March for household consumers under the "Monthly" tariff plan is UAH 6.86/cubic meter with VAT, excluding the distribution cost (for delivery).
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