FUIB opened a new branch in Zaporizhzhia

Within the framework of the planned network expansion, on May 15, the doors of the new FUIB branch No. 1 in Zaporizhzhia will open
Clients will be able to use a full range of banking services in the branch: get loans and make deposits, exchange currency, pay utility bills, etc. In the branch there is an area where services are provided 24/7, as well as an ATM, a terminal and a "PUMB online" stand, so that clients can perform all operations on their own.
Clients are provided with a full range of banking services for individuals, as well as cash desk services.
The branch is located at the following address:
69007, Zaporizhzhia, Dniprovskyi district, Rustavi St. 1a, facility 37
Working hours of the new branch:
Mon-Fri – 09:00-17:30, a break from 13:00 to 14:00 and every 2 hours for 15 minutes.
Sat, Sun – days off
Cash desk:
Mon-Fri – 09:00-17:30, a break from 13:00 to 14:00 and every 2 hours for 15 minutes.
Sat, Sun – days off
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