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FUIB and the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation donated 8,000 protective overalls to hospitals in Lviv
10 April 2020
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On April 10, FUIB, in partnership with the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation, handed over 8,000 sets  of personal protective gear to hospitals in Lviv. Protective overalls were received by doctors from four clinics working with COVID-19 coronavirus patients. Communal Non-commercial Enterprise "Lviv Regional Infectious Clinical Hospital", Communal Non-commercial Enterprise "Lviv Regional Phthysiopulmonology Clinical Medical Diagnostic Center", Non-commercial Enterprise "Lviv Yuriy Lypa Regional Hospital of Veterans of War and Repressed"and Non-commercial Enterprise "Lviv Regional Center for Emergency Care and Medicine". 

“Hospitals in the western region have taken the first blow in the fight against the epidemic in Ukraine. Today, we have handed over the first batch of 8,000 sets of personal protective gear to the doctors of Lviv. As a socially responsible business and as conscious citizens of our country, we believe it is our duty to assist our doctors in the difficult fight against the epidemic. We also urge other businesses to join forces in the combat against common distress and prevent the spread of a terrible disease," stressed Serhiy Chernenko, CFUIB's chairman of the board.

To stop the COVID-19 epidemic in Ukraine, Rinat Akhmetov has allocated 300 million UAH. To help the country, he combined all resources - the charity foundation, FUIB Bank, FC Shakhtar, DTEK, Metinvest and other SCM assets. 

“To stop the epidemic, the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation has purchased 300,000 coronavirus rapid tests, various special protection equipment for doctors and medical equipment. Overcoming the fierce competition which is now unfolding in the world markets for everything that helps to overcome the pandemic, the Foundation has already acquired, brought and is distributing various types of assistance to the regions. Thus, the rapid coronavirus tests from the Foundation have already been received by the Kharkiv, Donetsk, Luhansk, Ivano-Frankivsk, Zaporizhzhia and Lviv regions. And today, Lviv doctors receive protective clothing,", said member of the Supervisory Board of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Natalia Yemchenko.

In turn, the chairman of the Lviv Regional Council Oleksandr Hanushchyn emphasized: 

“Nobody had the illusion that the coronavirus infection epidemic would not affect Ukraine. Since then, the country including the region, have encountered many problems that have to be addressed promptly and thanks to indifferent people, philanthropists and involvement of big businesses. In particular, the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation has been actively involved in supporting and assisting regional pandemic centers created on the initiative of the President of Ukraine. In the region, reference health care institutions that will fight in the front line with the coronavirus were selected; four of them are regional and six are in the districts. Thanks to the help received today, our doctors will be protected and we will test as many people as possible. I hope that other businesses will also join the fight against a dangerous virus and together we will be able to stop the pandemic. "

In turn, Head of Lviv Regional State Administration Maksym Kozytskyi emphasized: “Now our doctors are daily tirelessly fighting for the life and health of every Ukrainian. First and foremost, we must protect and take care of the safety of medical workers, as they are now at the forefront of the fight against the virus. How can we help doctors? Staying at home and abide by the rules of the quarantine. A big holiday - Easter - is ahead. And we have to celebrate it without violating quarantine restrictions. After all, the life and health of every Ukrainian is our top priority and of paramount value.” 

We would like to remind that FUIB has joined the global initiative of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation to help Ukrainian hospitals in the fight against the COVID-19 epidemic, and has supported clinics in the Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Chernivtsi, Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

The Bank, in partnership with the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation acquired several thousand oximeters, pulse oximeters, sanitizers, and over 20,000 of personal protective equipment (glasses, respirators, overalls, surgical gowns, gloves, long shoe covers) which will be transferred to hospitals in different regions of Ukraine by the end of April for the purpose of providing medical assistance to patients with COVID-19. A ventilator will also be transferred to one of the hospitals in the Western Region.



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