First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) abolished fees for external and internal payments in national currency for all FUIB business clients.
Starting from March 31, 2020 and for the entire period of quarantine, the Bank's business clients, regardless of the business segment, will be able to make all types of payments during the operational time without additional costs.
“Today, Ukrainian business faces a strategically important task to set up its operations in new circumstances, to find other channels of purchases and sales, controlling and optimizing its costs at the same time. However, without mutual understanding, support and synergy, including such from the banks, it will be difficult to achieve. We are aware of this, which is why we have decided to support all of our business clients by canceling the fee for making external and internal payments in national currency. The bank will continue to develop measures that will help entrepreneurs to go through the quarantine period with minimum losses," says FUIB's Deputy Chairman of the Board of corporate business Serhiy Mahdych.
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