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Attention, Fraudsters! Coronavirus helps fraudsters to create new fraud schemes
27 March 2020
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Against the backdrop of panic related to Covid-19, Ukrainians are losing their vigilance and becoming more vulnerable and gullible. This is used by scammers who try in every way to reach their victims' wallets. FUIB tells about the most popular fraud schemes that emerged due to coronavirus and how to combat them

Fake websites

Fraudsters create fake websites where it is allegedly possible to top up mobile phone accounts, pay for Internet or utilities without a fee. Such stories end the same way - the clients lose all the money from their bank card.

How not to swallow the bait

Do not use unknown resources where you need to enter your confidential card details. Get a separate bank card for online payments and transfer money there when needed. Connect 3-D Secure (a technology that allows the bank to identify the cardholder when making an online transaction). It is safest to top-up your mobile phone account, pay for your utilities or the Internet through the online banking of the financial institution you are served by.

The majority of suspected fraudulent sites can be found in databases at and

Calls or SMS on behalf of the bank

Fraudsters are phoning Ukrainians under the guise of bank employees to verify client details so that a person can allegedly avoid fines for defaulting on their loan payments during the quarantine. Having all the necessary data that the victim personally dictated to the fraudsters, they easily withdraw all the money from the account. Also, Ukrainians began receiving SMS that would seem to be from the National Bank about accrued social assistance and asking them to call the phone numbers in the message.

How not to swallow the bait

Even if the person at the other end of the wire introduces to you as servicing bank and names your initials or any other data - do not trust the person. Better hang the phone and call your bank yourself.

Letters from the World Health Organizations

The scammers send letters on behalf of charities asking to transfer funds to fight the virus and intercept the confidential data of their "victims". Sometimes, even opening a letter like this, you can catch an electronic virus.

How not to swallow the bait

Trust official health care organizations only and beware of resources where you need to enter sensitive information: card validity date, CVV-code (3 digits on the back of the card), codes of confirmation of operations from SMS from the bank, etc.).

Sale of anti-virus products

Using panic, you can often find ads on the Internet by fraudsters selling masks, disinfectants, non-existent antiviral drugs and similar products. A person sending a prepayment for the needed product does not receive it in the end. In the worst case, fraudsters also steal sensitive personal information and withdraw all funds from the victim's account.

How not to swallow the bait

Be vigilant and do not pay for similar products on unknown sites or to unknown sellers. Never enter your sensitive card details on web resources sent to you by strangers.




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