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FUIB is the leader in the market of commodity loans according to the results of Black Friday 2019

02 December 2019
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During the four days, from November 28 to December 1, 2019, clients of the First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) got 32 thousand consumer loans (classic loans for goods and purchases issued through the "Splachui Chastynamy" service) issued and made 366 thousand payments for goods by "VSEMOZHU" and "soloMANDRY" credit cards. The total volume of loans issued by the bank was more than half a billion UAH! Thus, the bank has beaten its own last year's record by almost two times.

Based on the results of the promotional period, from November 28 to December 1, FUIB issued 24 thousand commodity loans worth UAH 335.9 million for the purchase of household appliances. Thus, based on information from trading networks, FUIB took the leading positions in the market of commodity loans, having issued the largest number of classic commodity loans during the period of Black Friday.

On Back Friday alone, November 29, Ukrainians took out more than 7.6 thousand directed consumer loans in FUIB, worth UAH 102.2 million. This is a little more than 5 loans per minute!

The volume of commodity loans issued by FUIB increased by 5 times during Black Friday compared to the previous weekend in November.

"FUIB’s result – UAH 504 million in loans – is an absolute record of the bank in terms of the volume of loans issued in one day and during the entire period of the promotion. This year, on Black Friday, we issued the largest share of loans in such networks as Comfy, Eldorado, Allo, etc. For several consecutive years we have been among the undisputed leaders in classic consumer lending: more and more Ukrainians are choosing loans from FUIB because of the absence of mandatory insurance and a flexible system of grace periods," commented Sebastian Rubai, FUIB's Deputy Chairman of the Board of Retail Business.  

Holders of FUIB credit cards were also actively using the discounts – according to the results of the promotional period, from November 28 to December 1, FUIB clients made use of the "Pay in Installments service 7,7 thousand times, having purchased goods for a total of UAH 27.5 million. Almost UAH 10 million of this amount was spent during Black Friday alone, on November 29. In addition, during this "black" weekend, Ukrainians purchased goods for another UAH 108 million by FUIB credit cards. Moreover, during the promotional period, FUIB issued cash loans totaling UAH 32.7 million.



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