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Festive October with FUIB and Mastercard Rewards – participate in the promotion "Preparing surprises! Every week there are new gifts"

09 October 2017
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Pay with MasterCard from FUIB, earn points and receive guaranteed interesting and valuable gifts. Every week there are new prizes.

Holders of active MC Platinum, MC World or MC World Elite debit or credit cards take part in the Mastercard Rewards program.

New promotion in the program "Preparing surprises! Every week there are new gifts" is valid from 1 October to 31 October 2017.

To participate in the promotion, visit weekly the Rewards Program,

catalog, exchange 1000 points for the "Surprise Gift" and get one of the following gifts:

  • 01.10-08.10.17 – topic "Have fun!" (the main gift is the test drive of the Tesla electric car);
  • 09.10-15.10.17 – topic "Relish!" (the main gift is the Saeco Incato coffee machine);
  • 16.10-22.10.17 –  topic "Play!" (the main gift is the Sony Playstation 4 Pro media console);
  • 23.10-31.10.17 – topic "Travel!" (the main gift is a certificate for purchase of airline tickets with a nominal value of 15,000 UAH ).

Participating in the promotion, you can get certificates, board games, suitcases, backpacks, chargers, footballs and much more. A detailed list of rewards can be found in the official terms of the promotion.


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