Notification on amendments to the Public offer of PJSC «FUIB» on the conclusion of the Agreement on Coprehensive banking servicing of individuals

Dear clients, we inform you on the entry into force of the new edition of PJSC «FUIB» Public offer for the conclusion of the Agreement on Complex Banking Servicing of Individuals (CBSI) from 30.07.2017.
The changes were made to the CBSI in the following parts:
- a statement in a new edition of Appendix №2 to the CBSI «Conditions for the provision and maintenance of «Automatic Overdraft with a fixed amount» and «Automatic Overdraft» in order to fulfill the requirements of the Rules for the payments by the banks of Ukraine of the total cost of credit for the consumer and the actual annual interest rate under the consumer credit Agreement, approved by the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine dated 08.06.2017 №49;
- introduction of provisions regulating the procedure for conducting transactions using payment cards, taking into account the specifics of the operation of the IPS Visa and Mastercard (par.3.2, Section II);
- introduction of a commission for depositing funds through the cashier's office of the Bank in order to repay the credit without using a payment card (par. 5.7.5, Section II).
You can get acquainted with the new edition of CBSI under the link.
In case of disagreement with the proposed amendments to the Public Offer of PJSC «FUIB», you have the right, before the new edition takes effect, to terminate the Agreement without paying an additional commission for its termination.
If there are additional questions, please contact the departments of PJSC «FUIB» (the list of the Bank departments is available under the link) or at the Customer Service Center by phone: +38 044 290 7 290 – for calls within Ukraine and from abroad according to the tariffs of a relevant operator; 490 – for calls from mobile phones according to the tariffs of mobile operators.
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