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Receive a surprise gift for making payments using MasterCard contactless cards from FUIB

08 July 2016
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FUIB clients are guaranteed to receive a surprise gift for making payments in the amount of at least 200 hryvnia in the networks Holding of Emotions "!Fest" and "L'vivs'ki plyatski" using MasterCard® contactless cards (PayPass).

The promotion is held in the network Holding of Emotions "!Fest" until 30 September 2016 and in the network "L'vivs'ki plyatski" throughout Ukraine until 5 October 2016 inclusive.

In order to get a guaranteed gift, you need to make a payment using a contactless card MasterCard® Сontactless or another device with contactless payment technology MasterCard® Сontactless.

You can find details of the promotion on the website and


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