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FUIB has launched online registration of an appointment for the obtainment of payments for depositors of insolvent banks on
22 December 2015
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First Ukrainian International Bank has launched online registration for depositors of insolvent banks in order for them to obtain payments from the Private Deposit Guarantee Fund (PDGF), whose agent bank it is.

Depositors of insolvent banks, who have to receive a guaranteed amount through FUIB, can quickly and easily register for an appointment at any FUIB branch, which is convenient for them, in the online registration form 24/7 on the website in the section For Private Clients / Deposits / For depositors of insolvent banks.

In 2015, FUIB was PDGF's partner bank for payments to depositors of the following banks: "Nadra", "Imeksbank", "Kyivska Rus", "Finance and Credit" and others. FUIB is constantly working to increase the efficiency and convenience for clients with regard to the organization of payments of compensation from the PDGF.

The new FUIB service is quick and simple: it will take not more than 1 minute of the client's time to schedule an appointment for payment obtainment, while the average talk time when you call the contact center equals about 5 minutes; and the convenient and intuitive interface allows a client to see addresses of all FUIB branches in their town and to choose the one that is the most convenient. An appointment can be scheduled 24/7. To schedule an appointment in FUIB branch for the obtainment of payment, a client needs to go to page For Depositors of Insolvent Banks on FUIB website and to enter their ITIN number in the online registration form - the form will automatically check the presence of payment for this depositor in the register of payments, which are performed by FUIB. Next, the client only needs to choose a convenient branch and the date of the receipt of funds. The appointment will be automatically assigned for a client at the branch, which he chose. The client only needs to come to FUIB branch with the documents on the sel ected day fr om 15:00 to 16:30 and receive the payment.


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