Deutsche Bank confirmed the high quality of FUIB payments

First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) won a gold award Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas for excellent quality of international payments. Deutsche Bank annually summarizes the results of work with counterparty banks by evaluating the quality of payments performed by them and the degree of automatic transaction processing (STP - Straight Through Processing).
For the highest possible STP rating, which is consistently higher than 99% over the entire 2014, FUIB was awarded the highest award - Gold 2014 USD STP Excellence Award. This indicates the high degree of payments processing automation in FUIB, which allows the bank to increase speed of payments, to reduce error rates and minimize operational expenses.
For more than 10 years, FUIB has received Deutsche Bank award in recognition of the high quality of international payments.- Інвестиції ПУМБ у сталий розвиток у 2024 році досягли 341 млн грн
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