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High reliability of deposits in FUIB is provided by the high liquidity ratios of the bank

05 August 2015
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High reliability of deposits in the First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB), which has been recently reported by the agency "Credit-rating", is provided, among others, by the regular compliance of the bank with the liquidity ratios of the National Bank of Ukraine. In particular, as at August 3, 2015, FUIB performs quick liquidity ratio (N4) at the level of 41.55% (whereas standard rate is not less than 20%). Current liquidity ratio (N5) has amounted to 53.98% (whereas standard rate is not less than 40%) and the short-term liquidity (N6) amounted to 104.11% (whereas standard rate is not less than 60%).

Primary liquidity cushion of FUIB equals 3.8 billion UAH according to the results of the second quarter (as at July 7, 2015). The bank regards the following as primary liquidity: cash desk remainder (1.2 billion UAH), correspondent accounts in the NBU (0.9 billion UAH) and current accounts in foreign banks with investment rating, such as Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank, Bank of New York (1.7 billion UAH). The bank regards high liquid securities issued by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and the National Bank of Ukraine, the amount of which in the portfolio of the bank equals 1 billion UAH, as secondary liquidity cushion.

"We conservatively evaluate the risks of the bank in the current economic conditions and prefer to keep a large stock of liquid assets. This limits bank's ability to receive income, but guarantees high security of our clients' deposits. Over the past year and a half, which was stressful for all banks, we have never refused a customer to get their deposit back, and performed all payments on time," noted Serhiy Chernenko, Chairman of the Management Board of FUIB. 


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