FUIB 10 times increased the share of loans for Internet shopping in total volume of direct lending in 6M 2015

First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) increased the share of lending for purchase of goods in Internet shops to 3% in total volume of direct lending of the bank in 6M 2015. To compare, in the second half of 2014 the share of loans for online shopping made 0.3% of total volume of commodity lending in the FUIB banking group.
«More and more loan issues are now made online. This is a global trend we observe on the example of all Internet shops where we lend. This service is on demand with clients especially given general price increase.
Internet trade market is actively developing and instantly reacting to external changes. Online lending segment is now being created and FUIB together with Internet shops, delivery services, logistics companies only develop the standards and formats of cooperation that would be convenient for all participants and simple and clear for our customers. We are going to actively develop this area in the future.
The increase of the share of lending in online retail business of FUIB is also related with the launch of a new online lending mechanism all over the country at the end of 2014”, notes Dmitriy Polischuk, the Director of Department of Retail Partnership Programs of FUIB.
As we informed before, at the end of 2014 the FUIB banking group launched the service of online lending for Internet shopping all over Ukraine without the need to visit the bank and any other additional offline contacts. In “Loan on the Sofa” a customer processes a commodity loan at the website of Internet shop and then the purchased goods and the loan agreement are delivered to his/her home, office or a post office of a mailing agent delivering goods throughout Ukraine. In this mechanism from First Ukrainian to buy goods though the Internet with loan funds a customer does not need any additional offline contact except for acceptance of goods and it became available all over the country for the first time ever.
All previous mechanisms of the so called “online” lending in Ukrainian e-commerce required additional actions from the client: visiting the bank, signing banking documents, and were often limited by just few cities. Internet shoppers need a simple and fast shopping with a minimal number of offline actions and available from any point of the country.
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