Over 2 thousand entrepreneurs have chosen FUIB as their bank since the beginning of the year

During the first 5 months of 2015 more than 2,000 entrepreneurs chose First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) as their serving bank, which is by 30% more than for the same period of the past year. Traditionally many new clients of small and medium-size business came from trade and service industry.
“Today entrepreneurs first of all look for a reliable and stable bank that handles payments on a guaranteed basis and on time. We are proud about the fact that in such a difficult period for the country FUIB provides reliable and high-quality service handling payments within one day without delays. Security of transactions and convenience of interaction with the bank is ensured by up-to-date Internet banking while FUIB corporate cards allow our customers to withdraw cash in any ATM of the country”, noted Elena Rudik, the Director of SME Department of FUIB.
By 31 July the campaign for entrepreneurs is on, according to the terms of which just for UAH 1.00 one can open and maintain current and card accounts with the whole bundle of services: access to multifunctional Internet banking and “SMS-banking” service will help you make transactions quickly and comfortably while 10 free payments per month will become a pleasant bonus.
Let us remind that FUIB was recently distinguished with the awards “The Power Base for Small and Medium-size Business” from the newspaper BUSINESS.
FUIB is always hand to hand with its customers: in a branch of the bank or on a hot line of the “Center of SME Customer Service” by telephone (0 800 501 275).
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