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The 1001st client chose the factoring service from FUIB
21 May 2015
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On 15 May 2015 in the Head Office of FUIB the representatives of the bank held a ceremony of awarding the company that became the 1001st corporate client of the bank that had used the factoring service. This client was the company LLC “Elektrokomplekt LTD”. A diploma and a keepsake were handed to the representative of the company.

Konstantin Kalinin, the Director of the regional distribution unit of the LLC “Elektrokomplekt LTD”:

“Our company was founded 9 years ago and now we hold a leading position on the electrical engineering market of Ukraine. The reason for choosing factoring is simple: we provide a 60 day deferral of payment for the delivered products. However, it is too expensive for the company to freeze working capital for such a time period in the conditions of economic decline and market shrinking. By means of factoring we can increase working capital and gain additional profit by far covering the interest on the factoring service”.

Svetlana Chaikina, the Deputy Head of the Factoring Division of FUIB:

“Today factoring is one of the most required services for companies providing goods with payment deferral since obtaining of cash within 5 days without collateral ensures the uninterrupted business. By the results of the past year FUIB became a leader among Ukrainian banks by the volume of factoring finance and today it remains among the leaders of this market despite of the continuing narrowing of the lending market”.  

1001 client.jpg


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