The net profit of the First Ukrainian International Bank (the FUIB) by results of the 4Q 2014 under the national standards of financial reporting made UAH 54.2 million, which is by 87.5% less than the financial result for the same period of the past year (MUAH 433.8).
The net interest income increased by 24.5% year to year – to MUAH 2257.8 while trade and other volatile income increased by 346.4% to MUAH 638.8.
In the 4Q 2014 the assets of the FUIB made UAH 35.4 billion. As of 31.12.2014 the corporate loan portfolio of the bank made UAH 24.4 billion and the retail loan portfolio – UAH 5.4 billion.
The funds of clients increased by results of the period by 19.9%, to UAH 24.5 billion; the increase of funds of corporate clients made 30.8% and the funds of individual clients increased by 10.9% year to year.
The equity of the FUIB increased by 2.9% and as of 31.12.2014 amounted to almost UAH 4.8 billion.
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