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FUIB held round tables within the framework of support of small and medium-sized businesses
10 October 2014
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First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) continues active cooperation with the representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. So, on October 3, 2014 FUIB held a round table on the topic "Support of the SMB. Financing today" in Pavlograd within the framework of all-Ukrainian program of support for the SMB. A similar event was held a little earlier on September 19 in Dnipropetrovsk. Representatives of more than 60 small and medium-sized businesses participated in the round table. They were discussing alternative financing instruments under the conditions of limited traditional loans, in particular factoring.

"In the the world banking practice more and more attention is paid to the non-financial services, including holding of educational events for the customers. When organizing round tables, we always strive to ensure that these activities are maximally informative for the customers. And judging by the responses of the participants, we succeed in this. We were pleased with a number of customers and the feedback from the audience - factoring arouses considerable interest of the customers," marked Olena Rudik, FUIB's head of the department of work with small and medium-sized businesses.

At the end of the round tables, participants suggested expanding the range of topics under discussion and focusing on the discussion of new banking products and services for small and medium-sized businesses.

It is planned to hold similar round tables in Kyiv and Lviv in the nearest future.


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