Travel with partners of «Star Club» loyalty program

First Ukrainian International Bank invites its clients to use favorable discounts fr om the partners of «Star Club» loyalty program for planning of travelling.
The number of loyalty program partners grows from month to month and today 2400 trading points throughout Ukraine offer 5% to 25% discounts for various goods and services for clients paying with FUIB or “Renaissance Credit” cards.
Among the partners of «Star Club» there are insurance companies and travel agencies as well as service and manufacturing enterprises, pharmacies, cafes, restaurants, gas stations, hotels, clothing and footwear shops, jewelry shops, e-stores, mobile devices stores, grocery stores, etc.
Within the last month the loyalty program was joined, among others, by a travel agency TUI Ukraine, the discount is 3%.
«Star Club» is a loyalty program wh ere the participants get instant discounts paying for goods or services with payment cards. All you need to take part in the program is to have any payment card from the First Ukrainian or “Renaissance Credit” bank. The discounts are provided in trading points of program partners with a «Star Club logo..
See full list of the partners at the website of the program:
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