FUIB presents new service for online account replenishment via cards of any bank of Ukraine and the world

FUIB presents new service for online account replenishment via cards of any bank of Ukraine and the world.
From now on, all user of PUMB Online Internet banking can transfer money to the account with FUIB by means of cashless transfers from cards of any bank of Ukraine and the world. It is enough to specify the number of the card of another bank and the amount that you intent to transfer. The money will be credited to the account with FUIB within seconds.
In other words, those customers of FUIB who wish to replenish their account or deposit, or to repay the loan by means of the money on the accounts with other banks, do not have to withdraw cash and then bring it to the outlet of the Bank. It is sufficient that they use the new service in PUMB Online Internet banking, which has become free of charge for all customers of the Bank with new service packages.
“With PUMB Online, we offer to our customers a kind of a personal small bank that “lives” in the smartphone or tablet and is available at any time. Thus, our customers no longer have to visit the outlet, which significantly saves their time and makes the management of one’s budget even more comfortable and efficient,” notes Vladimir Belous, Head of Transactional Business Division of FUIB.
You can order PUMB Online banking service by clicking the link http://pumb.ua/pumbonline and pressing “Order” button.
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