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FUIB raises rates for individual deposits in foreign currencies
29 May 2014
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First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) raises the rates for deposits in American dollars and euros.

The raise in the rates for 6-month and longer deposits is +0.8% p.a.; for 3-month deposits, +1.5% p.a.; for 1-month deposits, +1.1%. From now on, the maximum annual profitability of deposits amounts to 12% in American dollars and 11% in euros.

FUIB offers to its customers more than 10 types of deposit products, all with very flexible and loyal terms. Thus, the line of deposit products of FUIB allows the customer to choose the deposit type that at most meets his needs – with autoprolongation, possible periodic interest withdrawal, capitalisation, deposit replenishment, free withdrawal without losing the accrued interest.

Of particular note is the unique for the market product Deposit Constructor, enabling the customer on his own to create the deposit with unique terms, most clearly reflecting his current needs. In particular, this product allows to arrange a deposit for any number of days (from 1 to 570) and be no longer tied to clearly defined durations.

FUIB guarantees the safekeeping of the money, which our depositors entrust to the Bank. While the terms that we offer will let our customers more than just maintain, but also increase their savings over a relatively short period. The changes in the profitability of deposit products of the Bank are aligned with the current market trends and are aimed at strengthening the loyalty of the Bank towards our customers and, accordingly, the stable growth in the Bank’s retail deposit portfolio,” notes Arkadiy Shyder, Deputy Head of Retail Lending and Deposits Department at FUIB.

Over the first quarter of 2014, the volume of individual accounts with FUIB exceeded UAH 11.7 billion.

FUIB has been a member of the Individual Guarantee Fund since 1999. Credit Rating agency has repeatedly confirmed the grade “5” (highest) credibility of the deposits with FUIB.

One can open a deposit at any of the outlets of FUIB or through PUMB Online Internet banking service.

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