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FUIB had to limit its operations in Crimea
11 April 2014
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First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) will be unable to guarantee continuous and fully functional operation of bank in Autonomous Republic of Crimea starting from April, 17 2014, thus the Management Board has made a decision on operation limitation program in Crimea.

The Bank had to make such a decision due to requirements from Central bank of the Russian Federation within Autonomous Republic of Crimea regarding PJSC “FUIB”, execution whereof runs contrary to the current legislation of Ukraine.

All bank branch offices and ATMs operate as usual till April 17, 2014. Starting form that date, FUIB is unable to guarantee availability of its branch offices and ATMs for reasons beyond the bank’s control.

Sergey Chernenko, Chairman of the Management Board: "We responsibly treat our business, clients, and employees. But the present conflict of law makes it impossible for the bank to function as usual in Crimea. Moreover, the base of our business, the banking secret, is endangered. The First Ukrainian shall guarantee it will stick to its commitment to its clients".

First Ukrainian will officially notify its clients, both legal entities and private clients, of the decision made advising to enquire with any Crimean branch office in order to terminate accounts and withdraw deposits till April 17.

In case clients did not enquire with the bank concerning servicing termination till April 17, 2014, they will be able to continue their cooperation with the First Ukrainian on the same terms at any other branch office within the mainland part of Ukraine.


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