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Public notice of changes to the terms of the Public Offer from PJSC “FUIB” for entering into the Agreement for Comprehensive Banking Services to Individuals.

14 March 2014
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Dear customers, please be informed that on 14.04.2014 the changes to the Public Offer from PJSC “FUIB” for entering into the Agreement for Comprehensive Banking Services to Individuals will come into effect, introducing new rates of interest on Credit Cards with a revolving credit line, which issue and administration terms are laid down in Annex No 3 Terms of Issue and Administration of Credit Card with Grace Period and Annex 4 Terms of Issue and Administration of Credit Card with Grace Period and Instalment Purchase Service.

The changes to the Public Offer from PJSC “FUIB” for entering into the Agreement for Comprehensive Banking Services to Individuals are available here.

Should you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact any of the outlets of PJSC “FUIB” (the list of the outlets and their locations are available here) or the Bank’s Call Centre at: 0800 500-490 (toll-free from landline and mobile phones within Ukraine), +38 (062) 332-49-00 (direct phone number in Donetsk for international calls) or 490 (calls from mobile phones are charged in accordance with the mobile operators’ fees).


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