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Bank’s Business Schedule during Holidays

23 December 2013
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Bank’s Business Schedule during Holidays

Dear customers! We wish you Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

Please be informed of the Bank’s work procedure during the winter holidays (as established by the NBU Letter No №25-205/28803 of 19.12.13 “On Work Procedure in Light of the Fiscal Year Closing”).

Ordinary business days:

30 December 2013

03 January 2014

04 January 2014 (those that are usually open on Saturdays)

08 January 2014

Non-business days:

01 January 2014

05 January 2014

06 January 2014

07 January 2014

On 31 December 2013 the Bank’s business day will be 1 hour shorter, as envisaged by the labour laws. Payments will be accepted only to the benefit of customers of PJSC “FUIB” and the State Treasury until 12:00.

On 2 January 2014 the Bank will work without serving customers.

Instead of 6 January 2014, which will be a non-business day, the Bank will work on Saturday 11 January 2014.

Truly yours,

First Ukrainian International Bank


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