FUIB has customers in all regions of Ukraine, except for Zakarpattie. Over the year 2012 the number of individual customers grew by 13.4%; small and medium business customers, by 10%; corporate customers, by 11.6%.
The growth in number of the Bank’s individual customers was the highest in Kherson Region (+64%), the Crimea (+42%), and Ivano-Frankivsk Region (+41%). The highest growth of small and medium business customers took place in Ternopil Region (+31%), Inano-Frankivsk Region (+30%), and Rivne Region (+29%). As regards corporate customers, their most significant growth was observed in Ternopil Region (+300%) and Sumy Region (+150%).
The data is presented on FUIB site in a form of infographics in line with international web design trends and reflect the FUIB’s business growth dynamics over 2012.
The visual infographics is developed under the new HTML5 standard; however, it has been adapted to work on all platforms and in all browsers. Data is available in Ukrainian, Russian and English, and presents the data for 2012 in three customer segments: individuals, small and medium business, and corporate customers: http://pumb.ua/ru/about/bank_today/clients/
"In twenty-one years of operations FUIB became the largest bank nationwide. We are very proud to work with clients in all sectors and regions of Ukraine. Therefore, we visualized information on the regional and segmental distribution of our clients for all interested parties on the corporate website. We are actively working to improve the quality of service and attract new customers, and we plan to update the infographic about our customers every year ", - said Sergey Chernenko, chairman FUIB.
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