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FUIB No 1 in “50 Ukraine’s Leading Banks in 2013” rankings by Kommersant newspaper

29 March 2013
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First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) was ranked No 1 in “50 Ukraine’s Leading Banks in 2013” rankings compiled by the editorial staff of “Kommersant Ukraine” newspaper and the group of analysts of “Financial Club Ukraine”, who analysed the performance results and propositions for customers of all 170 banks operating in Ukraine. FUIB participated in 12 nominations of the rankings.

In the rankings of services for individual customers for the second year running FUIB is No 1 in “Savings Deposit” nomination. According to the analysts compiling the rankings the “savings deposit” is a standard (non-promotional) deposit of UAH 20 thousand with free replenishment and withdrawal options. In “Classic Deposit” nomination, assessing the banks’ propositions for individuals to make 12-month deposits without replenishment or withdrawal options and interest paid at maturity, FUIB was ranked No 3.

According to the rankings, the FUIB’s terms of lending to individuals are among TOP 10 propositions in the market. Thus, in “Car Loans” nomination FUIB was ranked No 3 because of its advantageous proposition of loans for up to 3 years. Moreover, of all the surveyed banks, FUIB is among TOP 10 banks in “Cash Loans” and “Credit Card” nominations.

Traditionally, FUIB is among three leaders in “Internet Banking” nomination.The authors of the rankings included the Bank in the winners list, as customers of FUIB can not only view the account balance, make payments and manage the account, but also use special mobile applications developed by the Bank for making such operations. More than that, unlike most of banks, FUIB has the mobile version of its web site.

Complete rankings are available at the web site of “Kommersant Ukraine”.

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