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FUIB makes special offer to the young depositors on the eve of the World Savings Day
16 November 2012
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On the eve of World Savings Day First Ukrainian International Bank launches special deposit campaign Youth for young depositors aged 16 to 25 years. Special offer will help young generation to learn how to manage funds and increase savings with FUIB. The promotion deposit Youth offers special high rate of 17.8% annually in local currency at an incredibly flexible terms. This offer is available from November 15 till December 31, 2012.

Deposit Youth terms allow to replenish and withdraw funds without any restrictions while retaining the accrued interest. Each depositor FUIB offers a free issue and service of payment card Visa Classic Unembossed or MasterCard Standard Unembossed, as well as the ability to use to PUMB Online, which is recognized as one of the best internet banking services in Ukraine.

FUIB is among the TOP10 banks by amount funds of private individuals. In September 2012, the portfolio of deposits FUIB exceeded US$1 billion (equivalent). FUIB participates in the State Fund of Deposits Guarantee. In September Credit Rating agency confirmed FUIB’s rating of deposits reliability at level 5 (highest reliability).

"FUIB is one of the leaders in raising retail funds and therefore supports the initiative of the Independent Association of Ukrainian Banks to celebrate World Savings Day. This initiative will improve the financial literacy of Ukrainian citizens. We offer attractive and at the same time flexible promotional deposit, which will allow our young clients to experience personal money management,” said Maksim Mironenko, Head of Retail Business Products Development Department of FUIB.

Open deposit Youth in any FUIB branch.


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