FUIB is No. 1 among banks in information disclosure according to a study of Investor Relations Agency

In the framework of The Most Electronic Banks Investor Relations Agency conducted a study of corporate websites of Ukrainian banks in terms of information availability for potential and existing investors (owners of stocks and/or bonds).
According to the results of this study FUIB corporate website received the highest score among the 30 banks. Separately, the authors noted that FUIB was the only bank among those surveyed that issued the Information Disclosure Policy.
The study used a number of indicators that combine into 12 sections compiling over 40 criteria:
- Availability of a separate page for the shareholders (investors)
- Compliance with a minimum level of information availability for the shareholders (investors)
- Financial Information (reports according to the National Accounting Standards (NAS), International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), indicators analysis)
- The ownership structure
- Corporate Governance (information on the Supervisory board, Management, The Code of Corporate Governance, Information Disclosure Policy, etc.)
- Disclosure of the regular and special information of the (stocks/bonds) issuer
- Information on shares issuance
- Information on bond issuance
- Current ratings
- FAQ/presence in the social media
- Investor Relations Contacts
- Compliance with best Investor Relations practice
"We are grateful to the experts involved in the study for the high ranking of information disclosure by FUIB. Results of this study provide a measurable assessment of the Bank’s achievements to date and indicate areas for further development and strengthening of our reputation. Compliance with best practices of information disclosure is among our core values, so we will continue to improve our corporate site as a convenient source of information for investors and our other stakeholders," − says Sergey Chernenko, Acting Chairman of FUIB.
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