The Deposit Guarantee Fund announces the end of the temporary administration and the beginning of the liquidation procedure of JSC "MEGABANK"
The Deposit Guarantee Fund announces the end of the temporary administration and the beginning of the liquidation procedure of JSC "MEGABANK" in accordance with the Decision of the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine dated July 21, 2022, No. 362-рш “On the revocation of the banking license and liquidation of JSC "MEGABANK" and the Decision of the Executive Directorate of the Deposit Guarantee Fund (hereinafter referred to as the Fund), No. 85 dated July 21, 2022, “On the initiation of the liquidation procedure of JSC "MEGABANK" and the delegation of powers of the bank liquidator”.
The Fund reports:
1) Extension of payments of the guaranteed amount of compensation to depositors of JSC "MEGABANK" in the part of the general register, which includes accounts on which the Fund or an authorized person of the Fund does not restrict the bank's operations:
- under bank deposit agreements, the validity of which expired as of the end of the day preceding the day of the beginning of the procedure for withdrawing an insolvent bank from the market by the Fund;
- under bank account agreements;
2) Starting from July 26, 2022, payments of the guaranteed amount of compensation under agreements, the validity period of which expires after the start of the procedure for withdrawing the bank from the market by the Fund, under which the Fund or an authorized person of the Fund does not restrict the bank's operations.
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