Information message for FUIB clients
Dear clients, we would like to remind you that from August 1, 2014, First Ukrainian International Bank (FUIB) will close current and card accounts of retail clients, on which there has been no movement of funds for more than 12 months, and on which there are no funds left.
If on the current or card account of a retail client there has been no movement of funds, initiated by the client, for more than 12 months, and if there is not more than UAH 1,000 (or the equivalent of this amount in a foreign currency according to the official exchange rate of the National Bank of Ukraine as at the date on which commission is charged) left on such an account, then FUIB will deduct commission in the amount of UAH 10 (or the equivalent of this amount in a foreign currency according to the official exchange rate of the National Bank of Ukraine as at the date on which commission is charged) per month from such an account for conducting settlements on inactive accounts, until no funds are left on such an account. In cases, if the account balance is less than 10 UAH (or equivalent), the commission is set equal to the balance on this account. After this such an account will be closed.
We suggest that you resume work with your accounts, using bank services, information about which you can get either by calling +38 044 290 7 290 or by visiting FUIB branches.
- Введення в дію нової редакції Розділу 11 «Тарифні пакети» тарифів ПУМБ на обслуговування корпоративних клієнтів
- Введення в дію нової редакції Договору банківського обслуговування корпоративних клієнтів, грошовий оборот від здійснення підприємницької діяльності яких за календарний рік не перевищує 200 млн грн (корпоративні клієнти сегменту мікро і малого бізнесу).
- Введення в дію з 02.12.2024 р. нової редакції Договору про надання покритих гарантій корпоративним клієнтам АТ «ПУМБ»
- We inform you about the technological work carried out by the Fund for Guaranteeing Deposits of Individuals
- We inform you about the technological work carried out by the Fund for Guaranteeing Deposits of Individuals
- Information message for FUIB clients
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